Inside Outside
It’s funny to think that a singular ping-pong table could be such a catalyst in people’s lives.
It’s a blessing for one of our churches to be able to use this commercial basement space (formerly a daycare) as their main center of activity. Our people use it around the clock for many church functions during the week.
The newly-bought ping-pong table (purchased for small groups) drastically stood out amongst the children’s iconography on the walls and the general TLC needed for the area.
We had decided to host a small group one evening containing some people playing ping-pong and others playing a game of Apples to Apples that my sister had translated.
The amount of laughter that rang through the later hours of the day was enough for us to understand that the proximity that was being so gratefully used needed to be changed somehow. Starting with the past drawings, the seating, or the general care of the proximity, the war allowed us to start thinking of the significance of change within our walls.
Conversations amongst friends…
For such genuinely kind and humorous and beautiful people, similar characteristics should be shown within the walls where they gather.
We decided to help mirror the people’s good character with the appearance of their frequently used space.